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Eradicating Systemic Poverty
Dismantling Structural Racism
Building Congregational Vitality
Global Poverty
Domestic Poverty
Natural Disaster

Webinars and Livestreams

Living up to Matthew 25

February 17, 2022

‘This seems to be the right tool at the right time’

Presbytery leaders share their hope for the PC(USA)


October 20, 2021

PC(USA) congregations urged to support public schools

by Mike Ferguson | P

Global Poverty

October 28, 2020

Civil Initiative and the Engaged Church

Addressing systemic poverty globally through partnerships

Natural Disaster

January 22, 2022

One church’s efforts to minister in the midst of misery

Plus, a candid discussion with the PMA’s president and executive director, Diane Moffett


June 24, 2021

‘You give them something to eat’

Three anti-hunger ministries are featured during Matthew 25 national gathering

Domestic Poverty

September 16, 2020

Underpinnings of Systemic Poverty

The challenges of the ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ philosophy

Refugees and Immigration

November 17, 2021

Never a better time to welcome the stranger

Matthew 25 gathering focuses on what it takes to carry out Jesus’ directive


March 24, 2021

Three churches share their stories of housing God’s children

Matthew 25 national webinar explores solutions to a complicated problem

Structural Racism

July 29, 2020

Churches asked to identify where they can act to address white supremacy

Dismantling structural racism from a mid council perspective

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