Summary of GA225 Resolutions
This is a list of resolutions from General Assembly 225 (2022) that N4DR will be working with the Synod of the Sun to implement.
RGJ-14 On Violence and Hate against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
1. Confess the church’s inaction
2. “commit to tearing down the idols of nationalism, misogyny, and xenophobia in the church…”
3. Advocating work
4. Stand with minority groups by fighting the stereotypes of AA, PI, and NH
RGJ-08 On Offering an Apology to African Americans for the Sin of Slavery and Its Legacy
1. Acknowledge that white supremacy is a conscious and calculated effort to perpetuate and institutionalize white supremacy and privilege in systems
2. Use the Confession of Belhar as a framework
3. Acknowledge that reconciliation and healing is the path forward and repent of our behavior
4. Acknowledge the need for authentic and trusting relationships
5. Apologize!
6. Prepare a history of the community including racism, institutionalized supremacy
7. Look at our systems and structures to identify supremacy and racism and make changes
RGJ-10 Resolution on Race, Reparative Justice, and the PCUSA
1. Lifted up the “Called to Live as God’s People” curriculum
2. Educate the whole denomination as to matters of structural racism and reparatory injustice
3. Determine what reparative justice is already being done in our churches
4. Work with the DC office on bills relating to reparative justice (how can we affect change within our local systems?)
RGJ-12 Report of Special Committee on Racism Truth and Reconciliation
1. Explore and expose racism & white supremacy within our structures
2. Synods to develop and adopt antiracism policy
3. Make reparative actions a priority
RGJ-07 A Resolution Addressing the Lack of Installed Pastoral Leadership in People of Color Congregations in the PCUSA
1. In the spirit of the Year of Jubilee, the national church will look at presbytery minimums and how long they have/have not been met within congregations of persons of color. Set aside grants to specifically help these congregations (should we adopt this as a model for the synod?)
2. Encourage mid councils to respond to the National Black Presbyterian’s Caucus analysis of causes of the lack of installed pastors
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