White Privilege Conference #25

Rev. Anthony Jermaine Ross-Allam, Director for the Center for Repair of Historical Harms
Opportunities offered by
Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery
Welcoming Reception at the DoubleTree Hotel
Wednesday, April 3, at 6:00 pm CDT
Foyer area of the 2nd Floor Balcony
This is not just a space to meet others but a chance to start building connections that could last beyond the conference. We will have light/medium hors-d'oeuvres and non-alcoholic beverages. (Folks can bring beverages from the bar at their own expense.) The Conference hosts are holding a conference-wide reception at 7 pm at the hotel with food as well. Members from the synod's Network for Dismantling Racism will also be present.
Greenwood Rising Museum Tour
Friday, April 5 at 12:30 p.m. CDT
The presbytery has reserved 20 slots (self-guided tour) at the Greenwood Rising Museum. The conference will break at noon until 2:00 pm CDT for lunch and networking. One can claim a spot at the reception by talking with members of the presbytery or by responding here before Wednesday.
For Those Staying Over
Sunday, April 7
9:30 am CDT - College Hill Presbyterian Church (712 S. Columbia Avenue) for the Christian education hour with Rev. Jermaine Ross-Allam, Director of the Center for Repair of Historic Harms in the Presbyterian Mission Agency, and Trustee and Theology/Program Lead for Restorative Actions. (Pastor: Rev. Todd Freeman)
11:00 am CDT - Southminster Presbyterian Church (3500 S. Peoria Avenue) for worship and more conversations with Rev. Ross-Allam about restorative actions, repair, and Matthew 25. (Pastor: Rev. Olivia Lane)
Learn more about Rev. Anthony Jermaine Ross-Allam, Director for the Center for Repair of Historical Harms

One Day Symposium April 3, 2024
Main Conference April 4-6
Tulsa, OK
Open to everyone who is working to be antiracist.
This conference is for you if you want to:
be in an intercultural community of justice-oriented others to practice disrupting and dismantling how white privilege, white supremacy, and oppression operate in our lives/actions;
learn strategies to address issues of privilege and oppression in yourself and in your circles, and
share ways to advance social justice to liberate yourself and others.
Discount Code: PCUSAWPC25 (20% off)
Registration Type: K12/Non-Profit/Clergy (category to select)